How to Farm Smarter in 2022
The Australian Farmer is facing a new challenge coming into 2022 and surprisingly it’s not climate related this time, it’s the economics. COVID-19 needs no introduction for the disruption it has caused to supply chains and farming operations
With the return of favourable growing conditions and widespread crop production, it's important we maintain this momentum to increase overall productivity & profitability. In this blog post we’ll explain how you can reduce & manage your farming inputs through addressing your individual field variability to produce the best farming results in 2022.
What is Field Variability, and Why Does it Matter?
Field Variability is the result of differences that occur between soil types, water movement & topography within a field. The conditions in one section of your field are unlikely to be the same across the entire area. This variability exists in every field which naturally affects plant growth, development and ultimately yield.
This variability within your fields can be costing you thousands in excessive or incorrect applied inputs based on what your soils and plants require. Through the rising costs of farm inputs, input supply shortages & environmental pressures, adopting a true field variability platform will ensure you are being your farming best; applying the correct inputs where they are required and not applying them where they are not.
How To Address Your Field Variability
Visual Assessment - Visual assessments are a great way to initially see the physical soil & topography differences that occur across your fields & their impact on current crop growth and development. A perfect example for this season has been low lying areas of fields & the impact of water logging, promoting denitrification & reduced biomass/tiller establishment. In this instance we can then make visual assessments to not apply targeted N to these affected areas due to low yield potential in comparison to higher elevated areas.
Yield Data - Yield Data is a great tool to record harvest data & prepare detailed maps of how our crops have performed across the field over varying soil types & topography values. These maps highlight the direct impact our field variability has caused on yield from that respective season, that we can then review & make appropriate management decisions for the upcoming season. A perfect example for this is the reduced volume of sulphur available post canola this season through both high crop yields & increased leaching affect from high rainfalls received.
SWAT Maps - SWAT Maps are the true field variability solution, identifying your soil types, water movement & topography values into your repeatable field's soil potential zones. SWAT Maps are the proactive solution for your field variability, giving you the tools to make factual management decisions for your crop throughout the variable seasons. This process enables us to get the basics right, to promote uniform plant development across our fields to the seasonal conditions. Given the high price of fertiliser inputs this upcoming season, SWAT Maps will enable you to apply targeted nutrient applications, reducing your fertiliser inputs by 30%.
How We Address Your Field Variability
At Agricore Group we have boots on the ground using the latest technology to assess and identify the specific needs for your land.
We take the guess work out of farming to ensure that the right applications are used for your operation.
The Process
Our team of field technicians manage the scanning process ensuring your data is accurate & reliable.
Our team of boots-on-the-ground agronomists conduct field assessments to verify the collected data & physical field properties.
Strategic soil tests are then collected per zone per field GPS referenced for future sample collection sites.
Successfully grow your crops & business sustainably. Be your farming best.
What does it mean for my operation?
Improving your piece of earth and your bottom line
The true challenge for 2022 isn’t what we are use to and it will test farming models to maximise overall farm productivity & profitability.
We need to be our farming best, improve our field input efficiencies & application requirements.
Field variability exists across all fields & should be addressed as it’s costing your operation thousands.
Interested in looking at your field variability & talking all things Agriculture?
Speak to the team at Agricore today.